Why Do They Put Bubble Wrap Under Metal Roofing

Why Do They Put Bubble Wrap Under Metal Roofing

You may be installing metal roofing on your home or business, and you’ve heard that it causes damage to a wooden roof. If you’ve decided that metal is the right roofing material for you, you’re probably wondering, “Why do they put bubble wrap under metal roofing?”

The purpose of using bubble wrap under metal roofing is to prevent damage to the wood underneath. Metal roofing is heavy and can damage the wood fibres if it’s laid directly on the wood. Bubble wrap acts as a barrier, protecting the wood underneath.

In this guide, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of using bubble wrap under metal roofing. We’ll also discuss how to install it properly. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about using bubble wrap under metal roofing.

Is It Necessary to Use Bubble Wrap Under a Metal Roof on a Low Slope?

When considering metal roofing options for low slope applications, it may be necessary to use bubble wrap as an additional layer of protection. This can help prevent condensation and moisture buildup underneath the roof, ensuring its longevity. By placing bubble wrap under the metal roof, you provide an added barrier against potential damage caused by leaks and corrosion.

Why Do They Put Bubble Wrap Under Metal Roofing

Bubble wrap is often used under metal roofing because it prevents the metal from being punctured or scratched by sharp objects. This protects the metal—and the roof underneath it—from leaks, rust, and damages that can be caused by poking through the metal.

But getting rid of the bubble wrap isn’t just a matter of pulling it off. Removing it safely requires a bit of finesse—and a few tricks.

It’s important to remove the bubble wrap carefully so as not to damage the roof underneath. The best strategy is to start at a corner and slowly peel back pieces until the roof is completely exposed again.

Using a utility knife or sharp scissors, carefully slice through any bubbles that are trapped underneath the roofing material. If you find that you need to cut through a large section of bubbles, do so carefully—so as not to damage the metal underneath.

After removing the bubble wrap, take a look at the metal roofing installation area and make sure there are no sharp objects left behind—such as nails, screws, or staples.

How Does Bubble Wrap Affect the Metal Roofing

Why Do They Put Bubble Wrap Under Metal Roofing 1

Bubble wrap potentially affects the roofing in two ways—functionally and aesthetically. Functionally, bubble wrap provides protection against moisture, wind, and UV damage. In the event of a leak, the bubble wrap will absorb the moisture—preventing the water from damaging the roof.

These bubbles also protect the metal roofing from wind—preventing it from becoming dented or cracked. And finally, these bubbles provide a layer of UV protection to the metal roofing, preventing rust and corrosion.

Aesthetically, bubble wrap affects the metal roofing in two ways. First, it covers up the appearance of the metal—covering up any ripples or imperfections.

Second, it can cause rust or stains as the bubbles absorb moisture and dirt over time. These stains and rust are difficult to remove and can potentially damage the metal and cause leaks.

What Are the Benefits of Using Bubble Wrap Under Metal Roofing

Why Do They Put Bubble Wrap Under Metal Roofing 2

Insulation Qualities

Bubble wrap is a good insulator, helping to keep the temperature inside your home—regardless of the temperature outside. It can also help reduce the noise level inside the home by preventing it from traveling through the roof.

Weight Distribution

Unlike some other materials, bubble wrap is lightweight but can also support a great deal of weight. This makes it ideal for distributing the weight of the roofing materials evenly. Additionally, it prevents the possibility of punctures or leaks—which can occur with other types of materials used for the same purpose.

Noise Reduction

Bubble wrap can also help reduce noise inside the home. According to the experts at Bubble Wrap Warehouse, this is due to the fact that bubble wrap is resistant to moisture—which is one of the leading causes of roofing-related noise.

What Are the Drawbacks of Using Bubble Wrap Under Metal Roofing

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The main issue with using bubble wrap under metal roofing is that it is not a very good thermal insulator. In other words, it won’t provide much protection against heat retention in the summer or cold retention in the winter.

It can also be quite a pain to install, as the bubbles can stick to the roofing and tear off with each piece laid down. This can be a particular problem when using a stick-down product, as each piece is laid down individually.

The bubbles can also serve as an air pocket for moisture or air leaks—and any moisture trapped under the roofing can cause premature rusting of nails and fasteners.

And if you use a product with a paper backing, it will be difficult to remove the paper from the underside of the roofing—potentially risking a tear or hole in the metal roofing.

Is Bubble Wrap Necessary When Installing a Metal Roof

Yes—bubble wrap is necessary when installing a metal roof. The bubbles in the wrap provide cushioning against sharp edges or protrusions on the metal. Without the bubble wrap, any sharp edge or protrusion would easily slice through the sheet metal.

In fact, some types of metal roofing require a specific type of bubble wrap for added protection—such as aluminum-backed steel roofing.

The bubble wrap also serves as a barrier against any moisture that may get trapped between the panels during installation.

This moisture-resistant bubble wrap prevents rust and corrosion from occurring between the panels and extending to other areas of the roof.

It also provides a cushioning effect in case any of the panels become dislodged during installation and fall to the ground. Finally, bubble wrap helps protect the roofing materials from scratches and dings during installation by keeping them in place and off the ground.

How Effective Is Bubble Wrap as an Insulator Under Metal Roofing

How Effective Is Bubble Wrap as an Insulator Under Metal Roofing

It’s not effective—at all. As you know, bubble wrap is an air-filled material. So when you lay it over a surface, it doesn’t actually provide any insulation.

The only thing that bubble wrap does is keep the metal roofing from directly touching the wood underneath—which can rot the wood if it gets wet.

So, if you have metal roofing, it’s better to just leave the wood exposed than to use bubble wrap as an insulator.


We hope this guide gave you all the information you needed to install bubble wrap under your metal roofing. Remember that wrapping the wood gives your roof extra protection from the sharp edges of the metal. It also creates a cushion to protect the wood from the weight of the metal.

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What is the Purpose of Adding Bubble Wrap Under Metal Roofing?

Adding bubble wrap under metal roofing serves a crucial purpose, especially for roofs with a minimum pitch for standing seam metal roofs. The bubble wrap acts as an insulation layer, providing thermal resistance and preventing condensation. By reducing air leakage and promoting energy efficiency, it helps maintain a comfortable indoor environment while protecting the roof structure from potential damage.


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