Are Metal Roof More Expensive Than Shingles

The answer is yes, metal roofs are generally more expensive than shingles.

While the initial cost of metal roofing is higher than asphalt shingles, they are often considered a better long-term investment due to their durability and longevity. Metal roofs can last up to 50 years or more, while shingles typically need to be replaced every 15-20 years. Additionally, metal roofs are more energy-efficient and can lower energy bills in the long run.

Are Metal Roofs More Expensive Than Shingles?

The cost of a new roof is a major consideration for any homeowner. Two of the most popular roofing materials are metal and shingles, but which one is more expensive?

Initial Cost

When it comes to the initial cost, metal roofs tend to be more expensive than shingles. This is because metal roofs are more durable and long-lasting, meaning they can cost significantly more upfront. However, the long-term benefits of metal roofs can ultimately make them a more cost-effective choice.

Long-Term Cost Savings

While shingles may be cheaper in the short term, they require more maintenance and repairs over their lifespan. Metal roofs are highly durable and can last up to 50 years, which can save significant money over time by avoiding the need for frequent replacements or repairs.

Energy Efficiency

Metal roofs are also more energy-efficient than shingles, which can save homeowners money on their energy bills over time. Metal roofs reflect sunlight, reducing the amount of heat that is absorbed into the home, which can lower cooling costs in the summer.


While both metal and shingle roofs come in a variety of styles and colors, shingles are often seen as the more traditional option. However, metal roofs can offer a sleek, modern look that can add to a home’s curb appeal and potentially increase its resale value.


Overall, while metal roofs may be more expensive upfront, they offer long-term cost savings and energy efficiency that can make them a more cost-effective option than shingles. Additionally, they can offer unique aesthetic benefits that can add value to a home. Ultimately, the choice between metal and shingle roofs will depend on a homeowner’s individual budget, preferences, and needs.

Is It Cheaper to Put a Metal Roof or Shingles?

When it comes to choosing a roofing material, the cost can be a major factor to consider. If you’re deciding between metal roofs or shingles, be aware that metal roofs carry a higher price tag. Not only do the panels themselves cost more, but the installation process is also more labor-intensive.

In fact, you can expect the cost of a metal roof to be at least double or even triple the cost of an asphalt shingle roof. Ultimately, choosing the best roofing material for your budget requires careful consideration of all the associated costs.

What Are the Disadvantages of a Metal Roof?

Despite the many advantages of metal roofing, there are also a few potential disadvantages to consider. One major drawback is that metal roofing can be quite expensive, especially compared to traditional asphalt shingles. Additionally, it can be noisy during heavy rainfall and hailstorms, which can be bothersome to some homeowners.

Metal roofs can also be challenging to install, and may require specialized equipment and expertise. Finally, if not properly installed or maintained, metal roofing can develop rust and corrosion over time, which can compromise its durability and lifespan.

Which Is Better a Metal Roof or Shingles?

When it comes to choosing between a metal roof and shingles, there are pros and cons to each. Shingles are easier and cheaper to install, making them a popular choice for homeowners. They also come in a variety of colors and styles to match any home’s aesthetic.

However, metal roofs have a longer lifespan and are more durable, making them a better long-term investment. Plus, they require less maintenance and can even save money on energy bills. Ultimately, the choice depends on your budget and priorities.

How Much More Expensive Is a Metal Roof Compared to Shingles?

metal roof cost breakdown varies depending on various factors such as size, pitch, material, and complexity of installation. Generally, metal roofing is more expensive than shingles upfront, with an additional cost of 2-3 times. However, metal roofs are more durable, energy-efficient, and last longer, making them more cost-effective in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much More Expensive Is a Metal Roof Over Shingles?

When considering a new roof, many homeowners wonder about the cost difference between a metal roof and traditional shingles. While metal roofs are generally more expensive than shingles, the exact price difference can vary depending on several factors such as the size of the roof, the type of metal used, and the cost of labor in the area. On average, homeowners can expect to pay anywhere from two to three times the cost of a shingle roof for a metal roof.

However, it is important to keep in mind that metal roofs are more durable and energy-efficient than shingles, which can save homeowners money in the long run on repairs and energy bills.

Is It Cheaper to Put Metal Roof Over Shingles?

Putting a metal roof over shingles can be cheaper than completely tearing off the old roof and starting from scratch. Metal roofs are lightweight and durable, which makes them ideal for installation over existing shingles. Additionally, the metal roof reflects heat better, improving energy efficiency and lowering energy costs.

However, it’s important to have a professional inspect the shingles before installing a metal roof to ensure there are no underlying issues that need to be addressed. Overall, installing a metal roof over shingles can be a cost-effective option that provides long-lasting protection and energy savings.

What Are the Disadvantages of a Metal Roof?

While metal roofs are known for their durability and longevity, there are some notable disadvantages to consider. One of the biggest drawbacks is the cost, as metal roofs can be significantly more expensive than other roofing materials. Additionally, metal roofs may be noisy during rain or hailstorms, and they can also be prone to denting and scratching.

In areas with high humidity or salt air, metal roofs may be more susceptible to rust and corrosion, requiring more maintenance over time. Finally, some homeowners may simply prefer the look of traditional roofing materials like shingles or tiles.

Does a Metal Roof Devalue a House?

The answer to this question is no. In fact, metal roofs have become increasingly popular and can add value to a home. They are durable, long-lasting, and energy-efficient.

Additionally, metal roofs can give a modern and sleek look to a house. Metal roofs are also resistant to fire, mildew, and insects, making them a smart investment for homeowners. With all these benefits, it is clear that a metal roof can actually increase the value of a house, rather than decrease it.

Why Not Put Metal Roof Over Shingles?

While it may seem like a cost-effective and time-efficient solution to simply place a metal roof over existing shingles, this approach can lead to a host of issues and ultimately prove more costly in the long run. Installing a metal roof over shingles can cause excess moisture buildup, trapping heat and leading to potential mold growth or even fire hazards. Additionally, the added weight of the metal roof can place strain on the existing structure and compromise its integrity over time.

In order to ensure the safety and longevity of your roofing system, it is recommended to remove old shingles before installing a new metal roof.


In conclusion, while the initial cost of a metal roof may be higher than shingles, it has many advantages that could save you money in the long run. A metal roof has a longer lifespan, is more durable, and requires less maintenance, making it a worthy investment for any homeowner. Ultimately, the decision between a metal roof and shingles comes down to personal preference and budget.

Does Installing a Metal Roof Interfere with Cell Phone Reception More Than Shingles?

Metal roofs and cell phone reception have long been a subject of debate. While metal roofs can potentially interfere with cell phone signals due to their reflective properties, this interference is not significantly greater than that of shingle roofs. In both cases, signal attenuation is possible, but advancements in cell phone technology and network infrastructure have helped alleviate these concerns. Ultimately, it is advisable to consult with professionals who can assess your specific situation before drawing any conclusions about the impact of metal roofs on cell phone reception.


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